Methods of Manufacturing
Preparation: NL 7307218; J.J. Fuchs, B.B. Wommack, US 3850924; K. Lin, US 3983116 (1973, 1974, 1976 all to DuPont).
U.S. Production
This chemical is listed as a High Production Volume (HPV) (65FR81686). Chemicals listed as HPV were produced in or imported into the U.S. in >1 million pounds in 1990 and/or 1994. The HPV list is based on the 1990 Inventory Update Rule. (IUR) (40 CFR part 710 subpart B; 51FR21438).
(1994) >1 million - 10 million lbs
(1998) >1 million - 10 million lbs
(2002) >1 million - 10 million lbs
Consumption Patterns
EPA estimate of national noncroplant use = 415,000 pounds active ingredient/yr. Use in agriculture (crop, pounds active ingredient/yr, % of crop treated): alfalfa, 299,776; blueberries, 20,593, 22%; seed crops, 22,030, 3%; sugar cane, 732, <1%. /1987-1989/