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Acupuncture Doesnt Up Live Birth Rate for Women Having IVF

Acupuncture Doesnt Up Live Birth Rate for Women Having IVF TUESDAY, May 15, 2018 -- For women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), acupuncture at the time of ovarian stimulation and embryo transfer is not associated with a significant difference in l

Suns UV Rays a Threat to Your Eyes, Too

Suns UV Rays a Threat to Your Eyes, Too FRIDAY, May 11, 2018 -- Its not just your skin that needs protection from ultraviolet rays, health experts warn. UV rays from the sun can cause corneal sunburn (photokeratitis) and UV damage that has been linked

7 Mistakes That Can Boost Your Blood Pressure Reading

7 Mistakes That Can Boost Your Blood Pressure Reading FRIDAY, May 11, 2018 -- Mums the word the next time you have your blood pressure checked. Talking while the cuff is on can boost your blood pressure reading. So can a full bladder or crossing your